We are witnessing the highest levels of human displacement in history. According to the UN High Commission on Refugees, by mid-2020 there were 80 million forcibly displaced people worldwide – just over 1% of the world’s population, 26.3 million of whom are refugees, and about half of these are under the age of 18.
Bishop Andrew Asbil has designated Trinity Sunday, May 30, 2021, as Refugee Sunday in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. As it is also the first Sunday after Pentecost, the time when the early Church first awakened to its calling to be a place of welcome for all nations, we can be reminded of how our welcome transforms the world. Please read Bishop Andrew's message here.
Refugee Sunday Materials:
A video message:Direct Link
Refugee Sunday FAQ
Refugee Sunday Factsheet - How you can get involved sponsorship
Refugee Sunday Prayers and Worship Resources